Podcast Reluctance #02

Season #1

Also, I have a confession to make... I have procrastinated on releasing a podcast since December last year. I connected Kajabi podcast (my website), did the artwork tile, recorded my intro and outro, picked the music...heck, I even recored about five episodes, which I NEVER uploaded (to be clear, I am an extreme action taker lol). I kept thinking... I have SO much going on and if I was to commit to releasing a podcast, I want to be consistent. I was struggling releasing weekly emails, how was I going to handle content creation for a podcast. I was struggling because I was juggling doing this for all the other business I work with and I didn't prioritise me! Then I went to record my podcast again this week, because like a good perfectionist... the other versions were out of date lol. I recorded my first episode 13 times before I actually scrapped the original topic and just decided to talk about why I was "Podcast Reluctant" (should I release this episode?). In my online course, I teach people how to overcome "camera reluctance" (Video Marketing for Social Media). Yet I was facing the same thing with Podcasting. I have recorded hundreds of live videos (same kinda thing!) but I struggled getting this done. So today I am excited because my podcast is LIVE, I decided no fancy intro's bells and whistles (yet) I'm going to share it as it is. Raw and ready to go. Because DONE is better than perfect. In this first episode, I share the two main ways to get your business discovered. While not revolutionary, it's a gentle reminder that the obvious things are sometimes the important things. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Let's Grow Deb 💗 #doneisbetterthanperfect We all know reviews mean the world, so if you want to share the love 💗 leave a review and tag me on social ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (and watch me do a happy dance on Instagram 💃)