Editing Video for Social Media

editing video marketing Oct 11, 2023

Editing Video for Social Media

Whether you are creating video content for Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, and LinkedIn, good editing can either connect you to your audience or make them scroll away.

It can be time-consuming and frustrating when you need to edit content and you need to edit it quickly because you want to get the video out there.  There are so many updates with platforms these days, and it can be hard to know which is the best app or process. 

Fast Tracking Your Editing Process

As a video marketing coach and online course creator, I'm not only always creating content for myself but for my clients as well. So I wanted to take you through some of the ways that you can fast-track your editing process. But before we do, I just really wanted to touch on why editing is one of the most important things when it comes to content creation because it can really help you set the mood.

It can help you create emotion. It takes people down a journey and helps you tell a story. It creates a connection with your clients and customers to have conversations, and it can really help to position your brand. The difference between good editing and not so good editing is that good editing will show enough to tell the story but not enough for people to get bored.

Killing the Darling

There's a saying in writing and editing, and that is "Kill the Darling." This expression comes from when you get rid of unnecessary sentences, clips, storylines or characters in a piece. You may have loved or worked hard to create but must be removed for the best interest of the story.

Common Mistakes in Video Editing

So here are some of the mistakes that I see with people creating content for their business

  • The clips are too slowly paced
  • Sharing the whole video clip
  • Not trimming out the fluff

In research and development, there's the sweet spot. So it's not too salty, it's not too sweet, it's just right. And the same goes with editing. We want to find that sweet spot with the editing where it's just enough to give you that information, but it's not enough for you to get bored.

The other thing that makes viewers get bored quickly, is when there is no context to the video. It might be slow and doesn't get to the point and lacks valuable content or purpose.

Good editing has a strong opening scene or hook, a reaction shot, it creates a mood or emotion, it has music and graphics. These elements keep you interested and it has to be paced quick enough for you to stay interested but also adds enough layers of context as well.

Things to ask when editing, does it really add value? Does it really need to be there? Can I get away with it or can I just shorten the clip to give a flash of what I'm talking about? Too much fluff is also when people are taking a long time to get to the point.

When you start making videos, you're most likely going to make boring videos. I want you to know that that's okay because the most important thing is that you're showing up. However, I want you to get to a point where you're showing up and you're posting things, but I also want you to progress to the next level of keeping your content interesting.


So boring video is when you film a one-minute clip but it really should be 10 seconds. So if you film one minute's worth of content, I want you to think about how can you get that down to 20 seconds? How can you get that down to 10 seconds?

Think about how you can level up each time you make a video. How you can make it just a little bit better? Because practice equals progress.


If you would like to learn how to fast track your video editing for social media using your phone. Register for my EDITING MASTERCLASS - 6:30 Wednesday 18th October

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