Content Catalyst Video Challenge 22nd - 25th October

Why I'm moving to YouTube

Long-Form Content Strategy: Working Smarter. Not Harder

As business owners, we often find ourselves juggling day-to-day operations with marketing efforts. Recently, I audited my marketing activities, including social media platforms, and I'm excited to share my revised content marketing strategy with you. 

Last year, I launched my podcast, Content Catalyst, which transformed my content creation process. Initially hesitant due to time constraints, I discovered that podcasting actually streamlined my workflow. It forced me to be more thoughtful about overarching topics and content categories, making repurposing content much easier. 

The Benefits of Long-Form Content

After spending hours on short-form content like Instagram reels, I realised the immense value of focusing on long-form content. Here are three key benefits:

  1.  Deeper audience connections: Long-form content allows you to provide more detailed insights, establishing your credibility and authority in your field. 
  2.  Higher engagement: The more time people spend with your content, the stronger connections you build with your audience. 
  3.  Improved SEO: Search engines and AI tools prioritize long-form content when scraping the internet for information. 

YouTube: A Powerful Marketing Tool

YouTube has become a central part of my content strategy for several reasons: 

  • Massive reach: With 2.5 billion monthly active users, there's an audience for every niche.
  • Clever algorithm: YouTube's algorithm is highly effective at suggesting relevant content to users.
  • Searchability and discoverability: By optimising your content for search, you can reach a wider audience and solve their problems.

 My Long-Form to Short-Form Content Strategy

Here's a breakdown of my current content creation process: 

  1. Research topics and outline content based on audience needs.
  2. Record a video podcast.
  3. Edit the video using CapCut.
  4. Export the video (MP4), audio (MP3), and transcription.
  5. Upload the video to YouTube and the audio to my podcast host.
  6. Use AI tools to create show notes, timestamps, and keywords.
  7. Repurpose the content for blog posts and social media platforms.
  8. Create short clips from the long-form content for additional social media posts.

This strategy allows me to create 15-20 pieces of content across multiple platforms from a single long-form piece, working smarter, not harder. 

Leveraging AI in Content Creation

AI tools have significantly streamlined my content creation process. From generating show notes to creating blog posts, AI helps me maintain my tone and language while saving time. However, I always edit and personalise the AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with my brand voice. 


By focusing on long-form content and efficiently repurposing it, you can create a wealth of valuable content for your audience across multiple platforms. This approach not only saves time but also improves your SEO, builds stronger connections with your audience, and establishes your authority in your field. If you want to dive deeper into creating a long-form content strategy, consider checking out my Content Catalyst Blueprint course or joining Content Catalyst for monthly masterclasses and workrooms on topics like YouTube strategy. Remember, the key to successful content marketing is working smarter, not harder. By implementing a strategic approach to long-form content creation, you can maximise your marketing efforts while minimising the time spent on content creation.


If you are ready for business growth and want to create content that connects with your audience and the systems to shortcut the workflow then create a business growth strategy with Content Catalyst Blueprint, an online course to give your the tools and techniques to scale your business.

Content Catalyst Blueprint

Enrolments opening 21st October - Join waitlist for early bird bonus offer


Watch the video on YouTube

Listen to Content Catalyst podcast episode #31



Grow with Video Marketing is a membership for businesses wanting understand how to better use video in their marketing to connect with their customers and increase sales.

You get access to the most up to date essential education and techniques to help you build your business using video marketing strategies.